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Starling Community Services.

Homelessness in Ontario – 2024 Numbers and Projections

Homeless Stats Blog Cover

With the recent changes in the economy and housing prices, it is no surprise to learn that homelessness is unfortunately a growing problem in Ontario.

Earlier this month, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA), and the Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA) released a Comprehensive Report titled “Municipalities Under Pressure” about current data and projections on what they’re calling the Homelessness Crisis.

The study aimed to determine current and projected homelessness in Ontario, and identify solutions and investments needed to achieve functional zero by 2030.

Key Findings

- Over 81,000 Ontarians experienced known homelessness in 2024, (a 25% increase from 2022) with more than half facing chronic homelessness (been homeless for at least a year, or repeatedly in the past 3 years).

- Without significant intervention, homelessness could rise to nearly 300,000 annually by 2035.

- $4.1 Billion Dollars in funding went towards fighting homelessness in 2024 in Ontario

What Needs to be Done

- Create 75,050 new housing and support spaces.

- Address systemic causes by focusing on prevention, supportive housing, and sustainable exits from homelessness.

- Shift resources from crisis management to long-term stability, reducing reliance on emergency systems like shelters and hospitals.

- Build healthier, more resilient communities by alleviating strain on municipalities and service providers.

- Provide a foundation to optimize and improve outcomes across critical systems, including health, justice, immigration settlement, education, and financial support systems.

Where Starling Housing Services Fits In

Starling Community Services’ Housing Services Division is funded primarily by the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. It works to both prevent homelessness and to support those out of an experience of homelessness in our region. We work closely alongside our community partners to ensure there is seamless service delivery for those in need of a place to stay. Our programs and services in the coming year will be adapting to changes made at the Federal, provincial and municipal levels as we see increased funding flowing into the homeless sector.

As always, if you are in need of safe, sustainable housing, please visit our website for resources, visit us or call in to see how we can help you today.

"We really are fortunate. Thanks to Lutherwood, we now have a two-bedroom apartment close to the school, groceries, and bus. My son and daughter are healthy and safe, we have our pets and we are all together."