Your Support Helps Children and Families Thrive

Every year, Starling Community Services helps to strengthen the lives of more than 14,000 individuals in our community and give them hope for their futures. Since the money to serve them is not fully provided by our government partners, the Starling Child and Family Foundation (formerly Lutherwood) cultivates relationships within our community to generate additional financial resources, raise awareness and develop facilities to better serve those supported by Starling.

Gifts to the foundation primarily support Starling’s children’s mental health services, which provide a range of preventative and therapeutic programs, to help children, youth and their families cope with social, emotional and behavioural challenges. Additionally, donations fund prevention services, such as Safe Haven Youth Services and Housing Services for families at risk of homelessness.

With your help we can make sure that all children and families are supported to achieve hopeful futures. An investment today can result in considerable savings for our community tomorrow.

How You Can Help

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Support Starling's Comfy Cozy Holiday Drive
Give the gift of comfort and warmth this holiday season by making a gift to the kids in treatment at our Children's Mental Health Centre and Safe Haven Youth Shelter. Select an item from our online gift catalogue or purchase your own gift based on our list of most requested items.
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Steps for Kids Raises $100K!
The Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation is thrilled to announce that our week-long Steps for Kids fundraiser was a success! Thanks to the generous support of our community, we were able to meet our fundraising goal, raising an impressive $100,000. The event attracted nearly 400 participants, with 27 teams joining in the fun!
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2023 In Sight BCMH photo
Meeting People Where They Are
Last year, Lutherwood’s Brief Community Mental Health (BCMH) Services helped 364 children and youth who are struggling with their mental health but are not accessing mental health supports and whose needs are not identified as urgent. Working in partnership with local medical clinics, BCMH services offer short-term coaching and treatment support including coordination with other community services to help improve the mental wellness of children, youth and their families.
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Wagner Livock Heffner Car
Thank you Wagner, Livock & Associates!
On behalf of the Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation, thank you Wagner, Livock & Associates Financial Services Inc. and Heffner Motors LTD for helping us secure a new vehicle for our Children’s Mental Health Centre. Your generous support will help children and youth with transportation to medical appointments and community outings right here in the Waterloo Region!
Mental health

How your Gifts Help

Read our latest client success stories to learn how your donations are making an impact.
Success Stories

Want to discuss how you can make a meaningful
impact in the lives of children and youth in Waterloo Region?

Lutherwood Child & Family Foundation Registered Charity #: 10765 0194 RR 0001