I am a Parent/Caregiver Supporting a Child or Youth

It’s hard to support a loved one who is struggling. You may have a gut feeling something is not quite right. Trying to find help can be confusing and overwhelming. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to in a safe, supportive, non-judgemental place.

How do I get help for my child?

Starling's Front Door is your starting point for accessing child and youth mental health services in Waterloo Region, including our intensive mental health treatment programs. We serve families with young people up to their 18th birthday.

When should you contact Starling's Front Door?

If you have a concern or a question – this is the place to start. We can help when:

  • your child or youth is struggling with emotional, behavioural or mental health concerns,
  • you would like parenting supports, information and ideas,
  • you would like more information about mental health services in Waterloo Region, or
  • you do not know where else to turn.

Some things we can help you and your child/youth with include:

  • Behavioral concerns at home and/or school
  • Difficulties managing feelings
  • Thinking about suicide or self-harm
  • Relationship difficulties (friends, family)
  • Struggling to ‘bounce back’ from difficult experiences
  • Questioning their gender identity
  • Finding information about a recent mental health diagnosis
  • General concern for mental wellness

When you come to Front Door, we will:

  1. Listen to your situation, concerns and needs without judgement
  2. Ask questions to make sure we understand
  3. Provide support, guidance and encouragement
  4. Work with you to develop a plan for moving forward, and
  5. Provide information on services in the community and can make referrals to more intensive mental health treatment services.
To connect with Front Door, call 519-749-2932 Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.