Job Seeker Portal

Need a job? Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready to help! Our goal is to help you find not just any job, but the right job that matches your interests and skills. Offered through Employment Ontario, our services can be accessed online, in-person through our Resource Centres or by attending one of our informative workshops. As a client, you will have access to one-to-one employment coaching to help with all aspects of your job search, including:

• Resume and cover letter writing
• Effective job search strategies
• Interview preparation
• Connecting with employers
• Exploring career options
• Paid placements
• On-the-job training opportunities

We are dedicated to serving individuals from all walks of life. Whether you are a young person, an experienced worker, someone with a disability, or new to Canada, we can help!

To be eligible for Starling's Employment Services, you must:

• Be of legal working age;
• Currently live in Ontario; and
• Be eligible to work in Canada.

Additional Services

Ready to find your next job? Or not quite sure where to start? Request an appointment with an Employment Advisor today!