Accessing Safe Haven Youth Services
Safe Haven Youth Services, located at 41 Weber Street West in Kitchener, provides a safe, supportive and caring place for youth who need emergency shelter and support, or planned respite care.
Safe Haven Youth Services offers:
- Assistance with family reintegration and housing services
- Assistance attending school and community activities
- Connections to other community-based youth and family supports and services
- Food, clothing, laundry and shower facilities
How to Access
Youth from the age of 12 up to their 18th birthday can access this service. You can self-refer by calling 519-749-1450 or by ringing the doorbell at our side entrance. You may also be referred by family, schools, hospitals, police, and health and social service agencies. Admissions are accepted 24 hours a day.
Services are supported in whole or in part by: