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Starling Community Services.

Eliza's Story: The Power of Music


“Music therapy helped me express my feelings, and the highlight for me was songwriting.” These were the words Eliza shared when looking back on the time she spent at Starling's (formerly Lutherwood) Children’s Mental Health live-in treatment program. “When I first arrived at Lutherwood I was 16, anxious and scared – I did not want to be there.”

Eliza soon found comfort and a chance to express her emotions through music therapy – one of Starling's longstanding therapeutic programs for children and youth. “Music therapy was something I could get excited about. It was my time to be creative and have fun – while also working through some emotional challenges.” She continued, “music therapy got me through the week.”

In music therapy, tools such as songwriting, singing, playing instruments, or analyzing lyrics help youth cope with their mental health and express big emotions. For Eliza, songwriting was the tool that allowed her to open up in a way she had never done before.

Through the caring guidance of Starling's Music Therapist Brian McBay, Eliza discovered not only a safe space to express herself, but also a creative outlet to do so. “I was nervous at first, but Brian made it a comfortable atmosphere. As he got to know me, I became more comfortable opening up.” With a laugh, she remembered the first time she put pen to paper and wrote a song. “I had three whole pages of lyrics!”

For Eliza, writing came naturally. “I’ve always been a writer. There was a lot I could say in an expressive way where I felt a little less vulnerable.” As the weeks progressed, Eliza and Brian created songs that helped Eliza heal. She continued, “I never saw myself doing anything with music. Now, all of a sudden, I have written songs and talked about my experiences through lyrics.” The songwriting skills she learned in music therapy helped her tap into a newfound passion. Today, Eliza continues to write poetry and has a collection of 20 poems. “Poetry is therapeutic to me – this is something I wasn’t interested in until doing music therapy.”

Looking back at her time at Starling, Eliza shared a deep gratitude for the things she accomplished. “Music therapy helped me open up and get more comfortable with things like talk therapy. It’s one of the most powerful tools that I didn’t know was out there.”

To youth new to Starling, Eliza advises “trust the process and be creative with music therapy. It’s a great way to get your foot in the door to express yourself.”

“Lutherwood offers so many services to help people looking for employment. The staff is extremely resourceful and so nice. If you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out!”