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Starling Community Services.

Review on Encampments: Share your ideas by May 26th

Ro E Blog Website Card

The Federal Housing Advocate has been gathering information for an independent review on encampments and will be collecting submissions until May 26th, 2023.

They are seeking input from individuals “living in encampments, people experiencing homelessness, people who have been homeless in the past, advocates for the right to housing, people who work in the homeless sector, and other stakeholders.”[1]

Purpose: Share your stories, experiences, and ideas for solutions.

Following the review, the Advocate will be producing “a report with findings and recommendations that will be provided to the federal Minister responsible for housing.”[1]

To read more about the Advocate’s review and work on encampments, please visit their key issue page on homeless encampments here.

If you would like to learn how you can contribute to the review, click here.

Privacy Considerations to Know: Information gathered as part of the survey will be used in compliance with the Privacy Act. It will also be reported to Parliament and the National Housing Council. Any identifiable or private information will remain confidential.[1]

[1]Contribute to the review on homeless encampments (

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