Successful Fundraiser: Lutherwood’s Steps for Kids Raises $100,000

The Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation is thrilled to announce that our week-long Steps for Kids fundraiser was a success! Thanks to the generous support of our community, we were able to meet our fundraising goal, raising an impressive $100,000.
May 7th kicked off the event with over 250 participants gathering at Lutherwood’s Children’s Mental Health Centre to walk in solidarity with children who are struggling with their mental health. The event continued through to May 14th where participants had the opportunity to walk 5, 10, or 20 km in their local neighbourhoods, and to track their progress by uploading their results to the Steps for Kids website. The event attracted nearly 400 participants in total, with 27 teams joining in the fun.
Steps for Kids fundraised dollars help ensure that mental health treatment options not covered by government funding are sustained. This includes a nurse and music therapist at Lutherwood's Children's Mental Health Centre, respite options for young people at Lutherwood's Safe Haven Youth Services, and recreational activities for children and youth enrolled in live-in treatment programs.
“We are very grateful to our community for making Steps for Kids a success by walking, volunteering, donating or sponsoring this year’s event,” said Chris Sellers, Director of Development at the Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation. “And a special thank you to RBC, our Presenting Sponsor, for their generous support in making this annual event a reality and bringing the community together to support children’s mental health in Waterloo Region.”
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