Resources on How to Lower Utility Costs

With rising prices of rent, homeowners replacement costs and other service costs rising over 5.2% from last year, saving money or making rental payments has never been so hard. Many of us are always looking for areas to save. Have you considered saving money on your utilities or looking into utility credits?
Electricity takes up nearly half the average Ontario Utility bill. One of the ways you can save money on electricity at home is to use less power. You can do this by cutting phantom power like your electronics that aren’t being used. Even while they are plugged in, they still draw power, and this can add up. Try either plugging electronics into a power bar where you can switch it off.
Another easy-to-do tip to save on electricity is to take advantage of natural light during the day. If lighting is an issue, consider changing your lightbulbs to LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs. They are 75%-90% more energy efficient than an incandescent light bulb!
You can also try to time your electricity usage between times when the prices are lower. For more tips on how to save on your electricity in simple and more detailed ways on the Ontario Government’s website here.
Apart from lowering electricity costs, there are utility credits that can help if you qualify for them. Some of the Utility credits Ontario offers is the Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP). Through an online application, this credit provides low-income households with support on their electricity bills. The credits on your bill can range from $35 to $75 per month with added credits available.
Ontario also offers the Low-Income Energy Program (LEAP). If you are behind on your electricity or natural gas bill and face having your services disconnected, LEAP may be able to help. While the aid is only available if you are behind your bill, it is a credit to explore. There is also the First Nations Energy Program and Ontario Trillium Benefit that has utility credit benefits that may help.
If you have any questions or would like more tips, please call our Resource Centre at 519-749-2450.
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