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Starling Community Services.

The “How and Why” of Following Up on your Applications

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You found a brilliant posting online. You researched the company, took time to work with your Employment Advisor to develop a cover letter, and feel confident about your resume. You applied to the appropriate channels recorded the information in your job search tracker – now you have to sit back and wait for the employer to give you a call – right?

Not quite!

You’ve already gone through a lot of work to apply for the position, don’t let that work go to waste by neglecting to follow up on our applications. Employers may receive an overwhelming number of applications for a job, and it can be a huge challenge to select interview candidates. You taking the time to connect with an employer three to five business days after your application can help to set you apart from others, and shows an employer that you are motivated and eager about the position.

Following up with an employer can sometimes feel like a bit of a treasure hunt. It can take some research to find the appropriate avenue to follow up, either in person, by phone, or by email. Resources like employer websites, LinkedIn, or business directories can help get you the information you need to follow up. Is there an email address for human resources, is the hiring manager on LinkedIn, is the business open to walk-ins for a follow-up? Your Employment Advisor is also here to help guide this research and work with you to develop the successful know-how! Often overlooked, you can use this to your advantage by being diligent, tracking, and attempting to follow up on every job application you make, recognizing this as a valuable tool to start building rapport with the employer before you even interview. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, your Employment Advisor can work with you to ensure you feel comfortable and confident in your follow-ups.

"Being a part of seeing great ideas take shape has been amazing. Starling Community Services is always about providing a service filled with care and compassion."