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Starling Community Services.

Finding His Passion in the Skilled Trades

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Keiden had recently graduated high school and was ready to jump into his career. After being introduced to the skilled trades in his shop class and learning about his uncle’s career as an Electrician, Keiden felt inspired and wanted to follow in his footsteps. To find out where to start, he contacted Lutherwood’s Employment Services.

His Employment Advisor at Lutherwood recommended he enroll in Herzing College’s Pre-Apprenticeship Electrician program. Thanks to a partnership with Lutherwood and the CLAC Foundation, he was informed that he qualified to have his tuition fees covered and would even be reimbursed for his travel/gas expenses. This was a huge incentive for Keiden, who was working part-time at a local amusement park/event centre.

During the six-month program, Keiden received a combination of online training and hands-on experience. Topics included learning how to install and repair electrical wiring, fixtures, and controls, hands-on training in the Electrical Code, blueprints, estimating and job safety. “The program was perfect for me.” Keiden reflected. “It helped give me the confidence to get out and do it.”

The program also provided participants with their very own set of tools and safety gear, which Keiden couldn’t wait to put to use.

Perhaps the most rewarding part of Keiden’s experience was landing his first Electrician job immediately after completing the program. “The program instructor was great and connected us with employers looking to hire,” he explained. Furthermore, his Employment Advisor at Lutherwood supported him throughout his job search by assisting him with his resume and interview skills.

Thrilled to start his new job this month, Keiden wants more people to know about the employment supports that Lutherwood offers. “I have been telling everyone I know about Lutherwood… I’ve suggested it to my friends, my brothers, even my dad!”

His brother is now registered with Lutherwood and is also hoping to enroll in Herzing College’s Pre-Apprenticeship Electrician Program. “I like to dream that once our careers are established, we can work together and maybe even launch our own family business one day!”

"Getting arrested was the lowest time in my life. Lutherwood helped me get my life on track, appreciate what I have and be responsible for my life."