26,000 Steps Will Make a Big Difference

Waterloo – April 12, 2022: The demand for mental health services has surged as a result of the pandemic, and Lutherwood is counting on its annual Steps for Kids fundraising walk to raise funds that will support children and youth with their mental health issues.
“Children and youth have really struggled with the disruptions caused by the pandemic to their schooling, friendships and support networks,” noted Chris Sellers, Director of Development at Lutherwood Child & Family Foundation. “We are seeing an increase in anxiety and depression in children and youth. That has resulted in a doubling of requests for mental health supports through our Front Door service access resource.”
With a goal of $110,000, the Steps for Kids fundraiser provides more holistic mental health treatment options and supports. Donations support a nurse and a music therapist position at Lutherwood’s Children's Mental Health Centre, respite nights at its Safe Haven emergency youth shelter, and additional recreational activities for children and youth in live-in treatment programs.
This year’s theme is 26,000 Steps for 26,000 Kids. Why 26,000? 1 in 5 children/youth has a treatable mental health condition and with 130,000 children and youth living in Waterloo Region, that means about 26,000 need help. AND that was before the pandemic increased those numbers!
“The beauty of the virtual event is that you can participate wherever you are, whenever you like, and even in a sixth wave,” Sellers added. “What matters is that people get outside, get some fresh air and be active – all of which supports our own mental health. Celebrate the Spring by joining this virtual walk, in support of mental health!”
Steps for Kids is held during Children's Mental Health Week (May 1-7, 2022).
Register or donate at www.lutherwoodstepsforkids.ca.
Media Contact:
Chris Sellers
Director of Development,
Lutherwood Child & Family Foundation
519-707-1958 ext. 1237
Instagram Feed
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