Take Care of Yourself

A lot of us want our job search to be a quick sprint: send out a few resumes, quickly get calls for an interview and then accept an offer. Yes, sometimes people can be lucky to finish one job and start a new one all in the same week; but others may experience more of a marathon type feel to their job search.
Regardless of the duration of your efforts, it’s important to take a step back to reflect on your overall needs to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself and presenting the best version of you that is possible.
Have a Consistent Bedtime and Wake-up Time - Maintaining your routines and schedules will help you to stay alert and well rested. It will also ensure that you’re sending out applications during appropriate “business hours”, which are usually defined as 8am to 8pm.
Stay Active and get Regular Exercise - This can be a short walk around the block to help clear your head from writers’ block while drafting ongoing cover letters or playing a sport to keep up your level of fitness required for the fast-paced workplace that you’d like to enter into. Indoor walking tracks can be a great choice for exercise and may help you network/connect with people who have similar interest to you.
Stay Social - Use video and social networking platforms to stay connected with others. You can use LinkedIn, Google Duo, Zoom, Microsoft Teams and many other platforms. Staying in touch and checking in with others, even if it’s just a 5 minute phone call, can help your name stay fresh on their mind to share any relevant tips/articles or job leads that they may be exposed to.
When job searching it’s important not to isolate yourself on an island. This may mean that you miss the next flight to connect to a possible lead or opportunity that you’re interested in. Our Employment Advisors and Consultants have many different leads to connect you with to help you land into a company culture that fits your overall well-being.
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