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Starling Community Services.

Preparing for Video Calls

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Video 5059159 1920

When setting up a video call with an employer, it is essential to take some time to ensure you have an appropriate space set up in which to do so. Being mindful of how your space is set up can go a long way in making a strong impression on an employer. Here are some things to consider when choosing a space for a video call:

  • Lighting: You want the employer to be able to clearly hear and see you. Carefully consider the lighting in your space – is it too dark? Adding lamps behind your camera can help to illuminate the room. Remember that if you are seated with a bright window behind you, the person on the other end may not be able to see you clearly or will just see a silhouette.
  • Noise levels: Try to find a space which is quiet and free from distractions. If possible, be in a room where you can close the door for privacy. If you live with children, family, or roommates, let them know when you are expecting a video call and kindly request quiet when taking the call. Electronics such as fans or humidifiers can create a lot of background noise in calls also!
  • Have a “Blank Slate”: As much as possible, have a neutral background visible which is free from clutter. Try and take the call with a plain background such as a wall – if this is not possible, many video conferencing programs give you an option to mask or blur your surroundings on a call, which is a great tool!
  • Groom as if you were attending an in-person interview. Do not “dress down” just because a meeting is on a video call.
  • Get comfortable: Choose a space where you can be comfortable! One of the great things about video interviews is it lets you complete the interview in your own familiar space. Make sure you have everything you need accessible.

The most important thing is simple preparation – if you have your space carefully prepared ahead of time it will take a lot of stress out of video chatting. You can also do a test run with a friend or family member to get their feedback on your space!

"Lutherwood has vacancy listings and a phone, fax, and photocopier. The staff gave me tips on finding a cheap apartment. It made it a lot easier to find a place."