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Starling Community Services.

Practicing Self-Care at Work

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Practicing Self Care At Work

Starting a new job or managing the stress of a challenging/constantly busy position can take its toll on you, especially during a pandemic when stress levels are often higher than usual.

It’s important to take some time to look for ways to manage your mood and balance your health so that you can continue to have the concentration and personality to effectively perform in your job.

Here are a few tips to help balance your self-care and increase how intentional you are in managing your overall well-being:

  1. Plan your Meals: Plan ahead by purchasing the ingredients that you’ll need to cook for the week or have food on hand that you can quickly re-heat from the freezer. Having a plan of what you’ll eat early in the day can minimize the stress or extra work that it takes to re-fuel your body after a tough day at work.
  2. Set a Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help you obtain the right amount of sleep that your body needs. If that’s not possible due to the nature of your schedule or other factors in your life, consider taking a nap to give your body a well-deserved break.
  3. Ask for Help: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to your supervisor or your teammates. They’re here to help you develop good habits, offer resources/training, or may be able to make a change to a deadline to allow you more time to achieve your tasks. No one knows how you’re feeling unless you vocalize it to other people, which can be through a video call, email or an in-person session.
  4. Take Breaks: Beyond the regulated unpaid lunch breaks that your employer offers it can be beneficial to your overall productivity to set an alarm to stretch your body every hour, or to take a quick walk down the hall to give your eyes a break from your computer screen. You may also want to have a Health and Safety representative or Human Resources team member examine your workstation set-up to ensure it meets your ergonomic needs.
  5. Get Active: A short walk around the block can help increase your overall mood and maintain the physical strength that you have to easily perform tasks.
  6. Leave Work at Work: It’s important to separate the time you spend at work and at home. With many people working from home through COVID-19 this can be an increased challenge, but it’s make sure you take time to re-charge by spending time with people or spending time on the things that make you happy.

    Practicing these and other healthy self-care habits will provide a good foundation to help you maintain positive mental health during stressful times.
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