Working From Home Tips

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic urging all non-essential business employees to work from home, many of us are now facing a new daily routine due to social distancing and home offices.
Although social isolation may initially sound fun for the introverts out there, it can quickly take a toll on both our physical and mental health. Here are a few tips from several sources to help make sure you’re set up for productivity and health in your new work space:
Maintain Routines - Make coffee, eat breakfast and get dressed! Business casual isn’t required, but make sure you at least change out of your pajamas every day. You can even put family photos or plants by your work desk and drink from the same mug or water bottle you do at the office.
Separate Work and Home - As tempting as it may be to do work while bingeing a new Netflix series, if you keep your worlds separate, it is healthier for you in the ong run. Set up a spot for yourself where you do your work during the day and keep the rest of your home a space where you can feel relaxed and unplug after your 9-5 workday. Also, your days may fly by more quickly at home, so make sure you watch the clock, schedule regular breaks and moments to unplug throughout the day.
Avoid the Quicksand – Try to limit distractions that pop up at home like doing laundry or cleaning the kitchen during your designated work hours. Take the time you usually use for your morning commute to complete these quick tasks so they aren’t on your mind, or use your afternoon commute time home for a quick walk or other errands to help you unwind and get out of the house.
Make it Ergonomic - It’s important to think of proper workplace set up to avoid any injuries so you can continue to be productive. Here’s a link with some guidelines of how to maintain good health at your workstation including posture and screen time.
Do you have other work from home tips we’ve missed? Let us know how you’ve set up your home office or share photos with us!
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