The Birthday Gift that Keeps on Giving!

Sometimes when your birthday rolls around, it’s hard to think of what to ask for. Especially as you start to get older and find that as long as you’re surrounded by loved ones, you have everything you need.
Hazel Courtney felt this way as her 80th birthday approached, so she decided to do something special. She shared the birthday love with the Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation through a Facebook Fundraiser.
“I chose to raise money for Lutherwood because their mission means a lot to me,” said Hazel, whose son Brian works at Lutherwood as a member of the Community Youth Justice Team. “I hoped many of my friends would consider contributing as a way of celebrating my birthday with me.”
Hazel raised over $450 for the Lutherwood Foundation which helps the youth and clients we serve in the community. Facebook doesn’t take any percentage from the donations and delivers the funds directly to the charity through PayPal.
“It was such a wonderful surprise receiving this donation through Hazel and Facebook,” said Lutherwood Foundation Development Officer Kate Swift. “The future of charity donations is definitely growing with trends and technology and being able to set up an easy fundraiser through social media is so innovative and exciting.”
Kate added that the funds raised through Facebook Fundraisers go directly to where it’s needed most, like programming and supports at our Children’s Mental Health Centre. “Whether you’re a regular donor or have never donated to Lutherwood before, I think Facebook Fundraisers are a great way to rally your friends and family together for a great cause, while also spreading awareness about Lutherwood and the work we do in the community.”
If you’re interested in hosting a Facebook Fundraiser for the Lutherwood Foundation, you can learn more at
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"When I look back, I realize Safe Haven is just that, a safe place where you can stop, clear your head, and figure things out. I don't know what a lot of kids would do if Safe Haven wasn't there"