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Starling Community Services.

Second Career Series: Make Your Resume and Break Back into the Job Market

Canva Welder In Action
Canva Welder In Action

Now that you’ve figured out where your interests lie, determined there is a demand for this career and successfully completed your program, it’s time to build your resume and start looking for a job in your new field! How exciting!

When Drafting your New Resume, make sure that your most current and recent information is right up top. Since you’re a recent graduate, you’ll want to list your education first.

Be sure to add anything that might stand out to employers, such as any co-op experiences you gained through your program, any scholarships you were awarded, and if you had a high GPA standing. Co-op placements can be listed either under education or work experience, wherever you think it fits better on your resume.

In your cover letters, be sure to share more in-depth appeals and connections to employers about what you have to offer them, and provide an introductory comment that shows you’ve done your research to know that you have the skills to match their requirements for the position they’re hiring for.

Make Yourself as Strong a Candidate as Possible. Continue to network and stay current in your field. Just because you’re done school doesn’t mean that you’re done learning. Also, it may be helpful to build a portfolio so that you have a place to proudly display certificates, sample assignments or positive feedback from trainers. Bringing a portfolio to an interview can showcase soft skills as well, such as organization, attention to detail and commitment to learning, all of which are appealing to employers.

Search for Jobs in your New Field. Your school may have an alumni program or website where you can see employers who are keen to hire people from your professional program or school. You may get a few free sessions from them and be able to continue using Employment Ontario services for ongoing efforts and coaching until you’re employed.

If you need more assistance, our Lutherwood Employment Advisors are still assisting clients over the phone during the pandemic, and are always happy to help you!

"I wanted work that would allow me to go home and feel good, so I turned to Lutherwood for help. They listened to me, pointed me in the right direction and that is where I needed the help."