New Year's Resolutions
The notion of starting the New Year off on the right foot, making some changes to ourselves and our lifestyle, seems to be embedded in our culture.
The concept of ‘bettering’ ourselves is a great one, as we should never stop trying to be our best self. However, it should be a continuous goal that we strive for, rather than something that has a deadline based on a calendar change.
Setting goals is a great way to stay focused and track your success. While it is important to set realistic goals and do your best to achieve them, it is also important to remember to allow yourself time to achieve them.
Life is busy so be flexible in your goal setting and be prepared to shift your goals and priorities as needed. Be kind and patient with yourself. Not achieving a goal is not a failure, but rather part of the journey to getting you where you want to be. It’s all about shifting your perspective.
If you feel like you are struggling to achieve your goals, take a step back and reassess them. Are they achievable or do you need to adjust what you want to achieve or even the time frame you want to achieve them in? Don’t be afraid to ask for help or talk to someone about your goals.
At the end of the day, it is your happiness that is most important.
Rather than focusing too much on specific goals, consider focusing on happiness - just being happy in whatever capacity that means to you.
YOU are in charge of measuring your own success.
How happy are you and what do you need to do to continue, change or improve that?
January 1 can be a new start, or a continuation of your efforts. You don’t just have 365 days, you have a lifetime so keep up the good work!
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