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Starling Community Services.

Steps for Kids Raises $135,000 +

on May 27, 2019
Group Of Teens
Group Of Teens

Waterloo (May 27, 2019) - On Sunday May 5, more than 600 people walked through a beautiful stretch of the Avon Trail and Mennonite Countryside while they talked about children’s mental health at Lutherwood’s Steps for Kids. Today, the children's mental health service agency announced its annual event surpassed its goal by raising more than $135,000, with donations still coming in.

“We are very fortunate to have so much support from our community,” said Chris Sellers, spokesperson for Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation. “Steps for Kids is a very special event where our community learns about children's mental health, children and youth see the support from within our community, and the stigma of struggling with mental health takes a big hit. 100% of the funds we raised will go directly toward the programs and resources that help children and youth feel supported and be optimistic about their future.”

“The more we learn about mental health, talk about it and show our support, the more likely our children and youth will reach out and get the support they need,” he added. If you are concerned about your child’s mental health, Front Door is a great first step.

Mark your calendars for next year’s Steps for Kids event taking place on Sunday May 3, 2020.

"The counsellor is wonderful, helped me find next steps and to be honest, made me feel better about who I am and how I'm feeling."