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Starling Community Services.

Free Job Search Tools

Job Search
Job Search

When you’re unemployed and looking for a job, the last thing you probably have is extra money to throw around to help you in your search.

Here are some FREE Job Search Tools to help you get on the fast track to employment!

1)JobScan is a great tool to help you to think like an employer. Input your resume and the description to the job you’re applying for, and you can assess your possibility rating for suitability within Applicant Tracking Software (ATS). This is a tool many employers use to scan resumes for job description keywords before even looking at it themselves. We can work together to try to ensure that your rating within this tool continually increases to ensure that you receive as many interviews as possible!

2)Digital Literacy Assessment is a resource that allows you to see how your computer literacy and skill level lines up with employer expectations. Complete modules and receive badges in three areas: Essential Computer Skills, Essential Software Skills, and the Use of Technology in Daily Life.

3)Goodwill Learning Foundation has over 125 free courses on anything from computer basics, to resume building, reading and math skills.

4)Learn to Type tests your typing speed and accuracy rates, as well as helps you practice for improvement. Communicating your typing speed on a resume can ensure that employers have the required information to ensure that you have the right skills required to do the jobs that you’re applying for.

5)Crash Course Business - Soft Skills is a YouTube Series of short videos to teach you the basics of soft business skills such as speaking with confidence, SMART goals, avoiding team disasters, negotiating salary and more!

6)Employment Standards Self-Service Tool This tool is designed to help employees and employers in Ontario understand some of their rights and obligations under the Employment Standards Act (ESA). It also includes calculations to determine whether the amount paid to an employee meets certain minimum standards of the ESA.

7)LinkedIn Creating a comprehensive profile takes time and effort, but this is a great tool to demonstrate computer and writing skills and share your personality more than in a traditional resume. The more complete your profile, the more relevant the job posting recommendations you’ll receive.

8)Career Wise is a great resource if you are looking for another career but don’t yet know what that might be! It’s filled with career assessment links, tools and tests, to help you determine your values, passions, personality and potential career direction.

Other helpful and free training courses options include , Idea Exchange in Cambridge, and E-Channel – free online education for adults in Ontario.

"Any time I had questions my worker would always help me, even if it was to go over a hydro bill or to understand an e-mail. She always picked up my call."