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Starling Community Services.

Cambridge Employment & Housing Centre Closed May 28-29

on May 26, 2019
Construction Update
Copy Of Copy Of Copy Of Attention Cambridge Clients

Please be advised that our Cambridge Employment and Housing Centre at 35 Dickson Street will be temporarily closed on Tuesday, May 28th and Wednesday, May 29th while we install a new elevator to better serve all our clients. We will reopen for regular business hours on Thursday, May 30th at 8:30 AM to provide our regular services.

If you need immediate employment assistance, the following Employment Ontario Service providers would be happy to help:

Cambridge Career Connections
40 Ainslie Street South, Cambridge

Region of Waterloo Employment Services
150 Main Street, Cambridge

YMCA Employment Services
250 Hespeler Rd., 2nd Floor, Cambridge

Thank you for your patience.

"I started to harm myself and even attempted to take my life. I hit rock bottom. My Lutherwood counsellor was different – she listened. Once I realized that she truly cared, I began to trust and open up to her.”