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Starling Community Services.

Steps for Kids Tops Expectations

on May 18, 2018
Steps For Kids Thank You Message
Stepping Up Text

Waterloo (May 18, 2018) - On Sunday May 6, more than 700 people walked and talked about children’s mental health at Lutherwood’s Steps for Kids walk. Today the organization announced the annual event eclipsed its goal by raising more than $149,000 with donations still coming in. 

“We are deeply grateful for all of the support and generosity we received from our volunteers and our community,” said Donna Buchan, Executive Director of the Lutherwood Child and Family Foundation. “This outpouring of support and the funds raised go directly toward the programs and resources that help youth who are struggling with their mental health feel loved, supported, and optimistic about their future.”
The event also continues an important dialogue about mental health. “For many, there is still a stigma associated with having a mental illness,” added Buchan. “But the more people talk about mental health, learn about it and show their support at events like this, the more likely kids and adults will feel comfortable reaching out for support.”

Mark your calendars for next year’s Steps for Kids event taking place on Sunday May 5, 2019.

Click here to see photos from the day

Click here to enter into the raffle draw for 2 Air Canada tickets!

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"New to Canada and without Canadian work experience, I was struggling to get a job and find a place to settle and feed my family. Lutherwood helped me get a food allowance and find a place to live."