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Starling Community Services.

Family Compass Website Launches in Waterloo Region

on February 12, 2018
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Family Compass
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Lutherwood is one of several local agencies that has developed a one-stop website that guides families and youth to local services. Today, the Children and Youth Planning Table launched the Family Compass website (

"It is a great resource! A one-stop shop, quick hit where the resources a parent needs to navigate the system are simple." (Community Member) offers 3 “doors” to site users: 

  • Search for Services – self-search for local health, social and recreational services for children and youth 
  • I Have a Concern – a tool to connect you to a local organization that can help address concerns with a child or youth 
  • Resources for Parents – resources for parents to learn, find support and connect with other parents (links to Parenting Now) 

Children and Youth Planning Table Virtual Access Chair, Jaime Jacomen explains “Our goal from day one was to help families and youth more easily navigate and access the services in Waterloo Region.” has been in development for the past year, supported by members of the Children and Youth Planning Table, in partnership with the Special Needs Strategy Planning Table and Moving on Mental Health initiative. This easy and interactive website provides a one-stop resource for locating the right service for children, youth and families in Waterloo Region. can be accessed any time, anywhere. To get started today, visit

"Two things that attracted me to Starling were its strong values around supporting people and its business approach to operations. By focusing in part on infrastructure, revenue diversification, and organizational capacity, we can provide continued service to our most vulnerable in our community for many years to come."