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Starling Community Services.

Winter/Spring 2018 Zero2Six Consultation Service

on December 22, 2017
Child With Blocks
2018 Winter Spring Consultation

Is your child age six or younger and experiencing or at risk of developing social, emotional, behavioural and/or mental health challenges? We can help.

We offer a one-hour confidential consultation service for parents of children up to age six. The focus of the consultation could include sleep, toileting, social and emotional development, behavioural challenges, and /or parenting strategies.

Zero2Six Consultations are available at these Ontario Early Years locations:

Our Place- Kitchener Early Years Centre
154 Gatewood Rd. Kitchener, ON (519) 571-1626
Tuesday Mornings
January 16, January 30, February 13, February 27,
March 6, March 20, April 10, April 24
May 15, May 29, June 5, June 19

Cambridge Family Early Years Centre
149 Ainslie St. N. Cambridge (519) 740-8353
Thursday Mornings
January 11, January 25, February 8, February 22,
March 8, March 22, April 12, April 26
May 10, May 24, June 7, June 21

Waterloo YMCA Early Years Centre
161 Roger St. Waterloo, ON (519) 741-8585
Wednesday Mornings
January 17, February 7, March 7,
April 4, May 2, June 6

Our Place- Kitchener Early Years Centre
154 Gatewood Rd. Kitchener, ON (519) 571-1626
Tuesday Mornings
January 16, January 30, February 13, February 27,
March 6, March 20, April 10, April 24
May 15, May 29, June 5, June 19

2018 Winter Spring Consultation Flyer
"The staff at Lutherwood are always in your corner to help you achieve your goals. Even when I had a bad week, my Employment Advisor would check to make sure I wasn't getting discouraged in my job search."