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Starling Community Services.

Steps for Kids is May 7th, 2017!

on April 20, 2017
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WATERLOO (April 20, 2017): Lutherwood’s annual fundraising event, Steps for Kids will take place at Lutherwood’s Children’s Mental Health Centre on Sunday, May 7th. All proceeds raised will support specialized mental health programs that are a critical part of the treatment plan for children at Lutherwood.

1 in 5 youth struggle with their mental health, but only one third of those who experience mental illness have sought and received services and treatment. Many youth end up suffering alone due to the stigma associated with mental health, which creates shame and a fear of being negatively judged by their peers.

To help break down the stigma, Steps for Kids invites the community to gather in a collective show of support for youth struggling with mental health. Last year, over 600 participants stepped up to say that mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of and that everyone is affected in some way, whether it be personally, through a friend, family member or colleague.

Individuals, teams and families can choose to walk 3K or 5K of beautiful countryside in North Waterloo near the St. Jacobs Farmer's Market. At the finish line, there will be family activities, live performances, snacks and refreshments.

Participants can register at Registration is free, but participants are encouraged to fundraise to support the event’s $120,000 fundraising goal.

The event will take place at Lutherwood’s Children’s Mental Health Centre, located at 285 Benjamin Road, Waterloo.

Registration Open 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Opening Ceremonies 9:30 am - 10:00 am
Walk and Fun Run 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Food and Entertainment:  11:00 am - 12:00 pm

We hope you will join us to step up against the stigma of mental health!

Lutherwood: is a not-for-profit health and social service organization that supports youth with mental health issues, people at risk of being homeless, workers looking for employment and families in need of counselling. Its services are accessed by more than 16,600 people annually in Waterloo Region and Wellington County.

Media Contact
Chris Sellers
Director, Lutherwood
519-707-1958 ext. 1237

“Since being housed, I have been able to work towards many of my goals, I have addressed my health concerns, and I have been able to strengthen many of my relationships.”