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Starling Community Services.

Benefits of a Summer Job

Sunglasses on ground

Securing a summer job is more than just getting a paycheck. It helps you acquire new skills, gain valuable work experience and is a great foundation for future jobs.

The key to success is matching your knowledge, skills, volunteer experience and what you learned in school, with a job opportunity that interests you and allows you to continue to develop. However, don’t be too narrow in your search.

Although working in the service industry may not be your long term goal, the skills you learn are transferable and will help you to build your résumé. 

Begin your search early in the year. Use your network of friends and family; ask if they know anyone that might hire a student. Expand your search to advertised jobs as well and pop into places that interest you.

To be effective, remember to start early, be creative, ask for help and be persistent.

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