Your Opinion Matters for Children and Youth
It is bad enough when children and youth struggle with their mental health. There is no reason they should also have to struggle with the children’s mental health system. You can help with this short survey.
Lutherwood, together with the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, Parents for Children’s Mental Health and several other local agencies want to learn about your experience with the children’s mental health system in Waterloo Region.
We will use the information that you give us in this short, confidential survey to create a system that offers consistent, coordinated and effective mental health services for children, youth and families in Waterloo Region.
So please don’t delay, help us help you by completing this survey before March 6th.
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"I volunteered at Lutherwood to help a friend and I fell in love with the organization and its mission. It feels like a big family and that is reflected in our work. I was able to refer friends to our services and they got the help they needed. I see every day how much we make a difference in people's lives and it is a privilege to be part of it."