New Website Helps Our Community

To better serve the community when and where they need it, Lutherwood has launched a newly designed website at with a clean, new look.
“Today, people turn to the web for information and support,” said Chris Sellers, Director of Communications, Marketing and Strategy at Lutherwood. “We are very excited to launch our newly-designed website that offers information, tools and access to services for youth with mental health issues, individuals looking for work and people at risk of being homeless.”
Our website continues to provide helpful information while drawing attention to children’s mental health, employment and housing issues faced by so many in our community. We take some of the confusion out of knowing where to get help when a child or youth is experiencing mental health, emotional or behavioural challenges by directing people to Front Door. Our online employment counselling and Job Board enable people to job search when and where they want. And we help people at risk of being homeless find sustainable housing options. The news blog provides the latest information about Lutherwood’s work, our popular employment blog offers job seekers tips and strategies, and our children’s mental health blog is a helpful resource for parents, guardians and others working with youth struggling with their mental health. And now, all our blog posts are easier to share through social media.
We proudly offer this information in a user-friendly fashion with a new “How can we help you today?” feature to help people find the information they need more quickly. The responsive design means our content is easily readable from computer screens, tablets and phones. And, our site has features to improve its accessibility as we reach AODA compliance.
As always, if you experience any problems or if you have any questions, just contact us. We are happy to help.
We hope you enjoy your website browsing experience.
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"Lutherwood's school is not like a normal school. It is very nice inside and when the staff ask you how you are doing, they really want to know. Life is going to hit hard and knock you down, but I learned that if you keep getting up - YouWin!"