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Starling Community Services.

Mental Health Blog Supports Parents and Community

Today Lutherwood launched its children’s mental health blog which will provide tips, strategies and other information that will help adolescents, families and people working with youth who are struggling with their mental health.

“By far the most awe-inspiring experience is to watch the positive, life-altering changes that occur in the lives of those who come through our doors,” offers Dr. John Colangeli, CEO in his introductory post. “We launched this blog to help parents and others who work with youth struggling with their mental health. Drawing on the experience and knowledge of our staff, we will offer practical and clearly-expressed information about adolescent mental health, common disorders, as well as tips and strategies for coping with mental health issues.”

Future blog posts will include timely topics such as how the holiday season can affect the mental health of some adolescents, focused topics such as how to better communicate with teenagers as well as more general topics such as understanding mental health and finding ways to access Ontario’s children’s mental health system.

“We are at an important crossroads in mental health,” concludes Dr. Colangeli. “People are finally starting to speak openly about it so that we can help tackle the stigma and reduce the ‘suffering in silence’ that has done so much harm over the years. This blog is one more way we will shed light on a subject that affects all of us.”

"When I look back, I realize Safe Haven is just that, a safe place where you can stop, clear your head, and figure things out. I don't know what a lot of kids would do if Safe Haven wasn't there"