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Starling Community Services.

Lutherwood Helps Youth Employment Fund Applicants

Lutherwood can help employers and younger workers access Ontario's new Youth Employment Fund.

The Ontario Government’s recently launched Youth Employment Fund helps employers offer four to six month work experience placements for eligible youth. It provides up to $7,800 to cover participant supports and training as well as employer incentives to offset costs of this work experience.

Youth may be eligible if they are 15-29 years old, working part-time or unemployed, not attending full-time school and residents of Ontario.

Employers must be licensed to operate in Ontario, compliant with legislation (health and safety, employment standards, etc.), provide placements of four to six months in Ontario, be covered by safety insurance and provide placements that do not displace current or laid-off employees.

As a local Employment Ontario agency, Lutherwood can work closely with employers and youth to take advantage of this opportunity.

Lutherwood is a not-for-profit health and social service organization that supports workers looking for employment, youth with mental health issues, people at risk of being homeless and families in need of counselling. Its services are accessed by more than 22,500 people annually in Waterloo Region and Wellington County.

"When our clients turn to us for help, they put their trust in us. At Lutherwood, we value that trust and take the protection of our clients’ privacy very seriously so they feel comfortable confiding in us, and in turn, we can offer the best possible service to meet their needs."