Building A Sensory Therapy (Snoezelen) Room

Lutherwood is building a Snoezelen Room for kids in our community and is reaching out to the community for support.
Kids with mental health challenges have trouble regulating their extreme emotions and behaviours. By building a Snoezelen Room at Lutherwood's Children’s Mental Health Centre in Waterloo, an agitated or aggressive child that has the potential to harm themselves will be able to go to a special room that will help them calm down.
Up to 400 children a year will benefit from the sensory therapy room; 250 children a year who live and learn at Lutherwood’s Children’s Mental Health centre and at least 100 more from the community. We will welcome any child from the community and their families who want to have the experience to share our room.
The Snoezelen Room can be fully built, equipped and functional for $150,000 and we are very excited to have individuals and organizations immediately start pitching in. Many thanks to Donavan Insurance and KOOL FM and KFUN for promoting this effort to help kids in our community.
Your support will make a difference. Visit our website for more information.
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"I never expected Lutherwood could help me so much, but once I met their staff, I knew we would be okay. Having a job is everything; I don't go hungry, I have my self-confidence back and most importantly, my son and I are happy."