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Starling Community Services.

The Kids Need Your Votes!

Lutherwood is turning to the community to help it support kids in our community. With the support of Donovan Insurance, Lutherwood entered the National Aviva Community Fund Competition in hopes of receiving a $150,000 to be used toward building a sensory therapy (Snoezelen) room for kids with mental health challenges.

The Need

Kids with mental health challenges can have trouble regulating their extreme emotions and behaviours. If a child is agitated or aggressive and has the potential to harm themselves or others, a Snoezelen room offers sensory stimulation and relaxation through light, touch, sound and smell. This can help children feel less agitated, aggressive or anxious which will help them think and learn better.

When completed, Lutherwood’s Snoezelen room will be available to the more than 250 children a year who live and learn at Lutherwood’s Children’s Mental Health Centre as well as being open to children in the community who want to have the experience the room.

The Snoezelen Room at Lutherwood can be fully built, equipped and functional to serve kids in Waterloo Region through the AVIVA Community Fund.

To Help

All we need is for as many people as possible to vote once a day between October 1-15. To participate, register your name and email address at and then vote each day from October 1st to 15th at, type in “Lutherwood” or “AFC13403”.

To learn more about the sensory therapy room watch our 2 minute

Thanks for your support.

"When I look back, I realize Safe Haven is just that, a safe place where you can stop, clear your head, and figure things out. I don't know what a lot of kids would do if Safe Haven wasn't there"