RBC Supports Mental Health Video Series
November 2, 2012 - Children's Mental Health is a pillar of RBC's community giving. So they partnered with Lutherwood to produce a five part mini video series to introduce the topic of Children's Mental Health.
Originally intended as a tool to inform and engage their more than 3,000 employees across Ontario South West in the RBC Children’s Mental Health Project, RBC Foundation created a series of short videos using Lutherwood's experts. They filmed and produced five short videos and posted one each day of the week to promote children's mental health in early October, 2012.
The 3-4 minute videos were very successful and helped to:
- introduce the topic of children's mental health
- help parents identify common symptoms of mental health problems
- identify resources available to parents for support
- help reduce the stigma around children's mental health
We encourage you to view them:
What is Children's Mental Health
What if My Child is Struggling with Mental Health
Noticing Mental Health Disorders in Children
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Common Mental Health Disorders in Children
Many thanks to RBC for their support of children's mental health, Lutherwood and our community.
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"It has been a great experience working at Lutherwood for the past two-plus years. In a hospitable, caring, cooperative, and strengthening environment, Lutherwood promotes the dignity and worth of its employees and the people it serves encouraging both to discover and thrive to their full potential."