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Starling Community Services.

Gibson's Sound and Vision TV Donation

Two men holding donated TV

WATERLOO, January 5, 2012 – Lutherwood thanks Ed and Stu Gibson and the entire Gibson’s Sound and Vision staff for their generous donation of a 40” flat screen TV to our Safe Haven youth shelter. From all of us at Lutherwood, thank you CTV and Gibson’s Sound and Vision for making Christmas just a bit brighter for kids in our community.

Two men holding donated TV
Gibson TV Donation

Lindsey White (left) and Donna Buchan (right) of Lutherwood accept the new flat screen TV from Ed and Stu Gibson of Gibson’s Sound and Vision.

Through CTV's Spirit of Giving campaign, the Gibson’s donation was matched to Lutherwood’s Safe Haven program at the Betty Thompson Youth Centre. Safe Haven gives 12-15 year old children a safe alternative to living on the street while they sort out challenges with their families. On December 23, 2012, Ed and Stu Gibson personally delivered the TV, much to the delight of the youth who sought refuge at the shelter during the Christmas holidays.

"My daughter has come a long way. She is more mature, controls her emotions, and deals with conflict. She knows how to reframe and steer back to a more appropriate response. She fits in with her peers and we have a better relationship now."