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Starling Community Services.

FASD Website Launched

Lutherwood, in partnership with the Waterloo Region FASD Diagnostic Steering Committee and the Waterloo Region FASD Action Group, as launched a new website with helpful information about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and services available in Waterloo Region.

Located at, this site offers strategies, tips and community supports for families. Included are resources for educators and other professionals that can be used when supporting children and youth diagnosed under FASD.

This site was made possible through a grant from the Ministry of Child and Youth Services.

"I was 17, confused and thought I was a lost cause. I became homeless. I heard about Safe Haven's youth shelter, but was skeptical and scared. [But] the staff are extremely friendly and so supportive...I wasn't judged. They showed me how to cook, do a budget, and even helped me with my homework."