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Starling Community Services.

Information Session for Laid Off RIM Employees

Information Session for Laid Off RIM Employees

You are invited to an Information Session about:
  • applying for Employment Insurance (EI)
  • tax implications due to severance money
  • supports to find work, make career decisions or explore training options
Friday, August 5, 9:30 – 11:30 am or Friday, August 12, 9:30 – 11:30 a

Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex Hauser Haus Banquet Room 101 Father David Bauer Drive Waterloo, ON

  • Service Canada (Employment Insurance)
  • Canada Revenue Agency (Tax)
  • Government of Ontario (Employment Ontario) Employment Ontario services are funded in part by the Government of Canada.
*Note: limited seating available (up to 300) on a first come first served basis
"I started to harm myself and even attempted to take my life. I hit rock bottom. My Lutherwood counsellor was different – she listened. Once I realized that she truly cared, I began to trust and open up to her.”