Employment Services Blog
The latest in job search strategies, resume tips, and more! Written by Starling staff.
- Up Your Skills to up Your Game with Micro-Credentials
Is your job search going nowhere? Do you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels? It can be a lonely, exhausting, and disappointing venture to spend hours on the computer madly applying for jobs without getting a positive response or invitations for an interview.
Read More - Is your First Job Helping or Hurting your Applications?
As you move through your career, you may want to consider whether it’s time to start dropping some of your earlier positions from your list of experiences on your resume. Here are a few points to consider when doing so:
Read More - Five Reasons to Work on Your Personal Brand
There are several strategies available to improve your chances of getting chosen by an employer, but there is one that I consider the most important of them all: personal branding.
Let's look at five impacts that personal branding can have on building our careers.Read More - Tell Me About Yourself?
In around 90% of all job interviews, this question will be the first one you are asked.
Here are a few steps you can take to prepare for and practice how you can best answer this question, and make sure you impress your interviewer and create a positive first impression.Read More - Why December is a Hot Month for Job Searching
While there are many holidays keeping people busy this month, this is not the time to turn down the heat in your job search. Studies have shown that although the number of postings may slow down through December, this can still be a great time of year to look for work.
Read More - The Benefits of Inclusive Hiring Practices
Hiring and training are without a doubt some of the most expensive parts of growing a business. You as a business owner or manager are investing a lot into your next employee.
Read More - Learning to Embrace Job Search Stress
These days, stress is no stranger in our day-to-day lives and looking for work/starting a new job is no exception. Searching for a job is stressful for multiple reasons.
Read More - Take a Chance to Say Thanks
As we all celebrate fall holidays and special events like Thanksgiving and Diwali, we can also take this time to check in with the people in our network. Here are few ideas to help you get started:
Read More - 5 Qualities of a Good Mentor
The role of a mentor is to share your experience and advice with someone that needs guidance. This article uses the perspectives of mentoring newcomers to Canada and shares five qualities of a good mentor.
Read More - 5 Reasons Why Mentoring is Important for Newcomers to Canada
There are many strategies available to be successful as a newcomer to Canada, and one is mentoring. In this article, we highlight five reasons why you, as a newcomer to Canada, should consider finding a mentor.
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