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Starling Community Services.

But I’ve been out of work too long for anyone to hire me 

4 Tips 2
4 Tips 2

There are a number of reasons that people may have taken some time away from traditional working roles, which may include the end of life care for an aging family member or friend, childcare, personal mental health journeys, or traveling after receiving a severance in the end of a long-term position. Just as the list may be endless, here are four tips that we can offer to help you get back into the working world:

Know what you want so you can tailor what you have to offer

There are lots of different skills or learning experiences that you can likely pull together from the apparent “gap” in your resume to still have something productive to write. To figure out what you are the most interested in, you may want to take some time to reflect on what type of job would best fit your schedule and/or interests now.

Be honest about the gap

Generally, employers aren’t going to hold the time away against you if you aren’t trying to hide the truth from them. For example, if you’ve been a caregiver to someone you can showcase your ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, patient demeanor, or flexibility to do anything that’s needed. These essential skills, or personality traits, are equally desirable to employers as practical knowledge or technical experiences.

Plan Ahead

Think ahead for what you may need such as a bus pass, interview and/or work clothing, or childcare. Talk to your Case Worker (if applicable) or the staff within our Employment Ontario offices may be able to strategize to get you the supplies you need. You may need to start interviewing home daycare providers or apply for openings on the OneList so that you can accept a job when it’s offered to you.

Look into Training

There are many combinations of free and paid training that Employment Ontario staff can share with you. You may be eligible for funding through Second Career to obtain a certificate or diploma, or you may benefit from short-term courses that may be free or low cost.

The future of the workforce has changed dramatically due to Covid-19 and employers understanding that life itself isn’t as straight forward as it used to be. With this in mind there are still several possibilities available for someone – you just need to start getting your name out there. Our staff are here to help you build your name and brand in a positive way and to gain attention for the positions that you to apply to.

"When I look back, I realize Safe Haven is just that, a safe place where you can stop, clear your head, and figure things out. I don't know what a lot of kids would do if Safe Haven wasn't there"