Arranging Your Resume

If you talk to anyone in the real estate business, they will tell you that location matters. The same thing applies to your resume, and how you order your relevant information and experience. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” template for resumes. In fact, we highly discourage templates as these are typically obvious to employers and most times don’t project a highly positive impression.
Here are some guidelines you should consider on how to order items on your resume:
1)Name and Address – Employers usually expect to see this right at the top of your resume, in the same spot as it is on your reference list and cover letter (which are developed later). You can vary the size or bolding to your preference but keep it professional looking.
2)Profile/Highlight Section – This is a snapshot to capture the employer’s attention. You want it to summarize as much about who you are and your work experience as possible. What would you want your elevator pitch to this employer to be if you met them in person?
3)Accomplishment Section – This section is optional, and dependent on your level of career experience. Here you want to come up with examples of stories or projects that stand out in your career.
4)Education and Work Experience – Generally employers will assume that whatever is listed first is the most recent. So, if you’ve been working, put work experience first, but if you’re right out of school, put your education first. It’s always optional to include your GPA, but if it was high, you may as well brag about it!
Whenever there is a gap in your resume, be open about it and share all relevant information.
There are different types of resumes including chronological, functional or a combination. We can help you establish which would be the best choice for your situation!
In the end, it’s important to remember that it’s your resume. So, if you aren’t comfortable expanding on every aspect of it with a potential employer, then your resume may get you an interview – but it won’t help you get the job!
If you would like help with your resume or any other aspect of your job search, come visit one of our employment offices. Our staff would be happy to help!
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"Being a student at Lutherwood provided me with lots of hands-on experience, I learned a lot in my time there, and was excited to go to placement every day! I was surrounded by very supportive staff who not only allowed me a safe environment to make mistakes but also take the time to educate me & check in with me."