Leadership Message
Having a sense of community is an essential part of well-being, stability, and how we
see success in our lives. In a strong community, we create spaces where people feel
safe, heard, and understood. We share ideas, perspectives, and talents which allow for
collaboration and collective problem-solving. And by standing alongside one another,
we can offer support during challenging times and share in successes like those
highlighted in this Community Report.
We have seen many challenges in recent years, from the pandemic to crises in
housing and mental health, and a level of disconnect that has been referred to as
an epidemic of loneliness. A community where people feel they belong counters
loneliness and creates an environment where everyone can thrive. The only way to
create a strong community is by working together.
We would like to thank our staff, volunteers, donors, funders, and friends for sharing
our belief in community and supporting our work as we build communities where
everyone experiences mental wellness, opportunities for employment, a place to call
home, and a sense of belonging.

Richard Steinmann
Chair, Board of Governors

John Colangeli
Chief Executive Officer