Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us when we least expect it. For Timothy, September 2021, marked a turning point in his life when unforeseen circumstances pushed him to make the difficult decision to spontaneously pack his belongings and leave his family home. Nothing was planned. It was sudden, but necessary.

Venturing into the unknown, Timothy set up his tent in a local wooded area. Despite his experience as an avid camper, his age of nearly 68 and underlying health concerns added an extra layer of difficulty. The harsh Canadian autumn also proved unforgiving as relentless rain and even snow made his tent life damp and miserable. Returning one day, he discovered his tent vandalized and destroyed, yet undeterred Timothy purchased a smaller tent and adopted a routine of setting up and taking down his temporary shelter to avoid attracting attention.

As November approached and winter’s icy grip tightened, Timothy realized his current living situation was simply not sustainable. Worried about his health and well-being, he gathered the courage to reach out for help, which became a game-changing decision. With the support of dedicated individuals at a local shelter, Timothy’s immediate needs were met, and he was quickly transferred to a motel, finding respite from the harsh outdoors.

Still unsure about his future, he was introduced to Lutherwood’s Housing Services, who met with him at the motel and assisted in exploring affordable housing options. Together, they viewed a senior housing unit in Galt. As soon as Timothy walked through the door, he knew he had finally found a place to call home. The transition was seamless, and for the first time, he found himself embraced by a supportive community. “I absolutely LOVE my new home,” Timothy reflects. “I feel that I belong here.”

Lutherwood’s Housing Stability Workers continued to stand by Timothy’s side, addressing not only his housing concerns but also helping him restore order and stability to his life. And to this day, they maintain regular visits, providing assistance with his banking needs, ensuring he has access to nourishing meals, and even accompanying him to job fairs as he takes courageous steps toward reentering the workforce. “Without their assistance, I would be lost,” he claims. “I have so much to be thankful for.”

Being forced to walk away from everything was not easy for Timothy, but his patience, optimism, and steady determination helped him move forward. Among the choices he made, one decision stands out—the decision to reach out for help when he needed it most—a decision he is forever grateful for and will never regret.