Leadership Message
The pandemic has disrupted lives like no other event in our 50-year history. People lost their jobs, people experiencing homelessness became more vulnerable, and public health precautions have been particularly tough on everyone’s mental health.
To fulfill our mission, many things came together. Wearing Personal Protective Equipment, our staff continued face-to-face care of children and youth and of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We also found innovative ways of serving clients remotely wherever possible to keep everyone safe. And our dedicated behind the- scenes staff continued their unwavering support. For their amazing courage and strength, we cannot thank our staff enough!
Community organizations donated supplies to keep our staff and clients safe, donors continued their support, and our volunteer Board steadfastly guided our work throughout the pandemic. We are truly fortunate to have such a caring community and we offer our heartfelt thanks for responding with care, courage and compassion.
This Community Report offers stories of adaptation, innovation and perseverance. We encourage you to read about the client successes, agency achievements and the community support that came to our doors.
As the pandemic continues, it is important that we take care of each other and be kind to one another. As difficult as things are, they will get better, and by working together we will all be stronger for it.
- Mr. Richard Steinmann, Chair, Board of Governors
- Dr. John Colangeli, Chief Executive Officer
Your Impact
By the Numbers
